
So, I have a blog entry about Golden Week, Mother’s Day and the Breakfast for Dinner partay…but I’ve been working on getting my spring break stuff caught up (what with photos and blog entries and the whatnot) and today I was sick. Sick enough that I couldn’t get out of bed this morning and I have been force feeding myself. It’s one of those fatigue-type things…everything hurts and my brain is entirely fried. No fever that I can tell, but I have been nauseous and dizzy. I also have this massive headache…and I really wish I could be sick in my own bed back home, and not curled up on a futon. I have less than two weeks before I’m on that plane back home. I am so tired. I have exams and also a paper due by the end of the week. I just hope I’ll be up and operating by tomorrow. It is really bad timing for me to get sick.

This weekend I am going to see Beauty and Beast in Kyoto–performed in Japanese, of course. I plan on wearing my kimono, assuming I find the shoes. It was my plan to find them today with my friend Meg. Darn sickness, huh?

In any case…I watched the entire last season of Scrubs, which I’ve been missing all semester. Good stuff. Hard to imagine that soon I’ll watch television and understand what is actually going on. The fact that I will even understand the road signs, advertisements…something as simple as hearing a conversation on the train and being able to understand it–it’s something I am looking forward to. On the other hand, I am going to miss the people here so very much. Today my friend Zac took care of me, even…sweet guy got me to drink down some vitamins.

I am also nervous about my return. I’m afraid of what people may be expecting of me. Am I really all that different, or am I not the same person at all? Who will listen to my stories? After the initial excitement of me being home, will I be able to hold onto my experiences and continue to grow from them?

Ugh. I am just so tired and I ache all over. Good night. Hopefully I will have time to update soon…I also fear I may forget something important. But I guess it is impossible to ever remember everything, right?

One Response so far.

  1. Rask says:

    That’s why we have photos and you were smart enough to keep a journal/blog. It will certainly be interesting when you come home, but I’m sure you’ll get back into the swing of things just fine.

    Also sorry to hear you’re sick, hope that clears up quickly. Being sick when you’re still in school is never fun.

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